About us
SC AGROSEM SA is a joint stock, privately owned commercial company, part of the Tender group with a tradition of over 40 years. It has a zootechnical and agricultural function and the main activity is raising dairy cattle and producing, processing and selling cereal seeds.

SC Agrosem SA owns spaces for rent on 7 Sulina street, in Timisoara, grain trade being conducted through this project site, as well as an animal farm at Pischia. The terrains, owned property or leased are cultivated with products such as alfalfa, triticale, corn.

The Pischia livestock farm, part of Agrosem SA, is a premise with zootechnical and agricultural function, with a size of 98.211 sqm, consisting of stables, paddocks, offices and P+1E milking center, having as main activity raising dairy cattle and the production, processing and trade of cereal seeds.

Contact us
8 Splaiul Nicolae Titulescu, Timisoara, Timis County Phone:
+40 256 493 443
+40 256 493 441
+40 356 422 895
+40 256 294 475